Robert Dorr
2018-01-21 19:22:59 UTC
We have encountered a few issues and we are looking for some insights.
Building gssapi and krb5
We pulled the MIT and github version of the krb5 project. In the MIT version we can execute configure in the src directory and then make and build as expected.
The github version states it is a replica of the MIT version. We run autoconf and try to build and it always reports include/<> is missing. If we copy from the MIT version we can then build. Are we missing a step?
When you build for non-optimized debugging are what flags do you recommend? CFLAGS=-ggdb -DDEBUG ?
Caching Issues
We are seeing a strange issue with the krb5 caching that we hope you can shed some light on.
Scenario (Some trace information at end of e-mail)
Ubuntu 16.04 VM (Machine name MACHINE)
Joined to realm: DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ (Windows AD, running in VM on same physical host)
Everything running as root
kdestroy to remove root krb5cc_0 cache file
klist – shows no file
gss_acquire_cred_from for machine (MACHINE$) – succeeds and creates krb5cc_0 – principal is MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
call gss_aquire_cred_with_password for (***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>) – fails with error that cache is not the correct principal
If we kdestroy the krbcc_0 and execute the gss_acquire in reverse order the principal for krb5cc_0 is ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> and both calls succeed.
If we force the cache to be KEYRING:persistant we can kdestroy and run in any order and the api calls succeed.
Is there a recommended cache for best security and if so how can it be forced?
UPC Failures
We notice that enabling KRB5_TRACE we often see the following. Is there a way to avoid the UPN call in order to improve performance?
[20681] 1516383737.459171: Received error from KDC: -1765328332/Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459172: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying with TCP
gss_acquire_cred_from – Successful trace
[20681] 1516383737.459128: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype 0) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459129: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype 0) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459130: Getting initial credentials for MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
pkinit_init_plg_crypto: initializing openssl crypto context at 0x7fdaf2d4e0e0
pkinit_client_plugin_init: returning plgctx at 0x7fdaf2c959c0
pkinit_init_req_crypto: returning ctx at 0x7fdaf2d501b0
pkinit_init_identity_crypto: returning ctx at 0x7fdaf2ce9000
pkinit_client_req_init: returning reqctx at 0x7fdaf2cc21f0
[20681] 1516383737.459131: Looked up etypes in keytab: rc4-hmac, aes128-cts, aes256-cts, rc4-hmac, aes128-cts, aes256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459133: Sending unauthenticated request
[20681] 1516383737.459134: Sending request (188 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459135: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459136: Sending initial UDP request to dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459137: Received answer (224 bytes) from dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459138: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459139: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459140: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459141: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459142: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459143: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459144: Received error from KDC: -1765328359/Additional pre-authentication required
preauth data types before sorting: 19 2 16 15
preauth data types after sorting: 16 15 19 2
[20681] 1516383737.459147: Preauthenticating using KDC method data
[20681] 1516383737.459148: Processing preauth types: 16, 15, 19, 2
[20681] 1516383737.459149: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZhostMACHINE.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ", params ""
pkinit_client_profile 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2cec528
pkinit_identity_initialize: 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2cc4eb0 0x7fdaf2ce9000
pkinit_identity_initialize: no user identity options specified
[20681] 1516383737.459150: PKINIT client has no configured identity; giving up
pkinit_identity_initialize returned -1765328174 (Generic preauthentication failure)
pkinit_client_prep_questions: not asking responder question
pkinit_client_prep_questions returning 0
pkinit_client_prep_questions: no questions to ask
pkinit_client_prep_questions returning 0
pkinit_client_process 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2d0c000
processing KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ
pkinit_client_profile 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2cec528
pkinit_identity_prompt: 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2cc4eb0 0x7fdaf2ce9000
[20681] 1516383737.459151: PKINIT client has no configured identity; giving up
pkinit_identity_prompt returned 22 (Invalid argument)
[20681] 1516383737.459152: Preauth module pkinit (16) (real) returned: 22/Invalid argument
pkinit_client_process 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2d0c000
[20681] 1516383737.459153: PKINIT client ignoring draft 9 offer from RFC 4556 KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459154: Preauth module pkinit (15) (real) returned: -1765328360/Preauthentication failed
[20681] 1516383737.459155: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459156: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459158: Encrypted timestamp (for 1516383737.782772): plain 301AA011180F32303138303131393137343231375AA10502030BF1B4, encrypted 4357C375F225BCEFB7025947F75031F76394B2621ABD8F0849500A7F31900B3E34581CB90B34541EEA43D51F890264AC751AD3BC6C409179
[20681] 1516383737.459159: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real) returned: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459160: Produced preauth for next request: 2
[20681] 1516383737.459161: Sending request (268 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459162: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459163: Sending initial UDP request to dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459164: Received answer (104 bytes) from dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459165: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459166: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459167: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459168: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459169: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459170: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459171: Received error from KDC: -1765328332/Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459172: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459173: Sending request (268 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ (tcp only)
[20681] 1516383737.459174: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459175: Initiating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459176: Sending TCP request to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459177: Received answer (1607 bytes) from stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459178: Terminating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459179: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459180: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459181: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459182: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459183: Response was not from master KDC
preauth data types before sorting: 19
preauth data types after sorting: 19
[20681] 1516383737.459184: Processing preauth types: 19
[20681] 1516383737.459185: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZhostMACHINE.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ", params ""
[20681] 1516383737.459186: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
[20681] 1516383737.459187: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459188: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: aes256-cts/CF2F
[20681] 1516383737.459189: FAST negotiation: unavailable
[20681] 1516383737.459190: Initializing FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with default princ MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
[20681] 1516383737.459191: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459192: Storing config in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 for krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>: pa_type: 2
[20681] 1516383737.459193: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ\@***@X-CACHECONF: in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
pkinit_client_req_fini: received reqctx at 0x7fdaf2cc21f0
pkinit_fini_req_crypto: freeing ctx at 0x7fdaf2d501b0
pkinit_fini_identity_crypto: freeing ctx at 0x7fdaf2ce9000
[20681] 1516383737.459194: Storing config in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 for : refresh_time: 1516401737
[20681] 1516383737.459195: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/***@X-CACHECONF: in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
pkinit_client_plugin_fini: got plgctx at 0x7fdaf2c959c0
pkinit_fini_plg_crypto: freeing context at 0x7fdaf2d4e0e0
[20681] 1516383737.459199: Getting credentials ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459200: Retrieving ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_0)
[20681] 1516383737.459201: Getting credentials MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459202: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459203: Get cred via TGT krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> after requesting MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> (canonicalize on)
[20681] 1516383737.459204: Generated subkey for TGS request: aes256-cts/425D
[20681] 1516383737.459205: etypes requested in TGS request: aes256-cts, aes128-cts, aes256-sha2, aes128-sha2, des3-cbc-sha1, rc4-hmac, camellia128-cts, camellia256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459207: Encoding request body and padata into FAST request
[20681] 1516383737.459208: Sending request (2129 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459209: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459210: Initiating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459211: Sending TCP request to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459212: Received answer (1810 bytes) from stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459213: Terminating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459214: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459215: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459216: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459217: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459218: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459219: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459220: Decoding FAST response
[20681] 1516383737.459221: FAST reply key: aes256-cts/8208
[20681] 1516383737.459222: TGS reply is for ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> with session key aes256-cts/4152
[20681] 1516383737.459223: Got cred; 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459224: Resolving unique ccache of type MEMORY
[20681] 1516383737.459225: Initializing MEMORY:1Et9YKF with default princ ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
[20681] 1516383737.459230: Getting credentials ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache MEMORY:1Et9YKF
[20681] 1516383737.459231: Retrieving ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from MEMORY:1Et9YKF with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459233: Creating authenticator for ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>, seqnum 81267597, subkey aes256-cts/0CB9, session key aes256-cts/4152
[20681] 1516383737.459238: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 8, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459239: Decrypted AP-REQ with specified server principal MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459240: AP-REQ ticket: ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>, session key aes256-cts/4152
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
[20681] 1516383737.459241: Negotiated enctype based on authenticator: aes256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459242: Authenticator contains subkey: aes256-cts/0CB9
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
[20681] 1516383737.459245: Destroying ccache MEMORY:1Et9YKF
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/19/2018 11:42:17 01/19/2018 21:42:17 krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
renew until 01/20/2018 11:42:17
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/19/2018 11:45:49 01/19/2018 21:45:49 krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
renew until 01/20/2018 11:45:45
Bob Dorr - ***<mailto:***>
Principal Software Engineer SQL Server
Manager: ***<mailto:***> or ***<mailto:***>
Building gssapi and krb5
We pulled the MIT and github version of the krb5 project. In the MIT version we can execute configure in the src directory and then make and build as expected.
The github version states it is a replica of the MIT version. We run autoconf and try to build and it always reports include/<> is missing. If we copy from the MIT version we can then build. Are we missing a step?
When you build for non-optimized debugging are what flags do you recommend? CFLAGS=-ggdb -DDEBUG ?
Caching Issues
We are seeing a strange issue with the krb5 caching that we hope you can shed some light on.
Scenario (Some trace information at end of e-mail)
Ubuntu 16.04 VM (Machine name MACHINE)
Joined to realm: DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ (Windows AD, running in VM on same physical host)
Everything running as root
kdestroy to remove root krb5cc_0 cache file
klist – shows no file
gss_acquire_cred_from for machine (MACHINE$) – succeeds and creates krb5cc_0 – principal is MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
call gss_aquire_cred_with_password for (***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>) – fails with error that cache is not the correct principal
If we kdestroy the krbcc_0 and execute the gss_acquire in reverse order the principal for krb5cc_0 is ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> and both calls succeed.
If we force the cache to be KEYRING:persistant we can kdestroy and run in any order and the api calls succeed.
Is there a recommended cache for best security and if so how can it be forced?
UPC Failures
We notice that enabling KRB5_TRACE we often see the following. Is there a way to avoid the UPN call in order to improve performance?
[20681] 1516383737.459171: Received error from KDC: -1765328332/Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459172: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying with TCP
gss_acquire_cred_from – Successful trace
[20681] 1516383737.459128: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype 0) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459129: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype 0) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459130: Getting initial credentials for MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
pkinit_init_plg_crypto: initializing openssl crypto context at 0x7fdaf2d4e0e0
pkinit_client_plugin_init: returning plgctx at 0x7fdaf2c959c0
pkinit_init_req_crypto: returning ctx at 0x7fdaf2d501b0
pkinit_init_identity_crypto: returning ctx at 0x7fdaf2ce9000
pkinit_client_req_init: returning reqctx at 0x7fdaf2cc21f0
[20681] 1516383737.459131: Looked up etypes in keytab: rc4-hmac, aes128-cts, aes256-cts, rc4-hmac, aes128-cts, aes256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459133: Sending unauthenticated request
[20681] 1516383737.459134: Sending request (188 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459135: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459136: Sending initial UDP request to dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459137: Received answer (224 bytes) from dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459138: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459139: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459140: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459141: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459142: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459143: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459144: Received error from KDC: -1765328359/Additional pre-authentication required
preauth data types before sorting: 19 2 16 15
preauth data types after sorting: 16 15 19 2
[20681] 1516383737.459147: Preauthenticating using KDC method data
[20681] 1516383737.459148: Processing preauth types: 16, 15, 19, 2
[20681] 1516383737.459149: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZhostMACHINE.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ", params ""
pkinit_client_profile 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2cec528
pkinit_identity_initialize: 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2cc4eb0 0x7fdaf2ce9000
pkinit_identity_initialize: no user identity options specified
[20681] 1516383737.459150: PKINIT client has no configured identity; giving up
pkinit_identity_initialize returned -1765328174 (Generic preauthentication failure)
pkinit_client_prep_questions: not asking responder question
pkinit_client_prep_questions returning 0
pkinit_client_prep_questions: no questions to ask
pkinit_client_prep_questions returning 0
pkinit_client_process 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2d0c000
processing KRB5_PADATA_PK_AS_REQ
pkinit_client_profile 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2cec528
pkinit_identity_prompt: 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2cc4eb0 0x7fdaf2ce9000
[20681] 1516383737.459151: PKINIT client has no configured identity; giving up
pkinit_identity_prompt returned 22 (Invalid argument)
[20681] 1516383737.459152: Preauth module pkinit (16) (real) returned: 22/Invalid argument
pkinit_client_process 0x7fdaf2cf5400 0x7fdaf2c959c0 0x7fdaf2cc21f0 0x7fdaf2d0c000
[20681] 1516383737.459153: PKINIT client ignoring draft 9 offer from RFC 4556 KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459154: Preauth module pkinit (15) (real) returned: -1765328360/Preauthentication failed
[20681] 1516383737.459155: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 0, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459156: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459158: Encrypted timestamp (for 1516383737.782772): plain 301AA011180F32303138303131393137343231375AA10502030BF1B4, encrypted 4357C375F225BCEFB7025947F75031F76394B2621ABD8F0849500A7F31900B3E34581CB90B34541EEA43D51F890264AC751AD3BC6C409179
[20681] 1516383737.459159: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real) returned: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459160: Produced preauth for next request: 2
[20681] 1516383737.459161: Sending request (268 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459162: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459163: Sending initial UDP request to dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459164: Received answer (104 bytes) from dgram 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459165: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459166: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459167: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459168: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459169: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459170: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459171: Received error from KDC: -1765328332/Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459172: Request or response is too big for UDP; retrying with TCP
[20681] 1516383737.459173: Sending request (268 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ (tcp only)
[20681] 1516383737.459174: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459175: Initiating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459176: Sending TCP request to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459177: Received answer (1607 bytes) from stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459178: Terminating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459179: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459180: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459181: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459182: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459183: Response was not from master KDC
preauth data types before sorting: 19
preauth data types after sorting: 19
[20681] 1516383737.459184: Processing preauth types: 19
[20681] 1516383737.459185: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZhostMACHINE.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ", params ""
[20681] 1516383737.459186: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
[20681] 1516383737.459187: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459188: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: aes256-cts/CF2F
[20681] 1516383737.459189: FAST negotiation: unavailable
[20681] 1516383737.459190: Initializing FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with default princ MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
[20681] 1516383737.459191: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459192: Storing config in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 for krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>: pa_type: 2
[20681] 1516383737.459193: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ\@***@X-CACHECONF: in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
pkinit_client_req_fini: received reqctx at 0x7fdaf2cc21f0
pkinit_fini_req_crypto: freeing ctx at 0x7fdaf2d501b0
pkinit_fini_identity_crypto: freeing ctx at 0x7fdaf2ce9000
[20681] 1516383737.459194: Storing config in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 for : refresh_time: 1516401737
[20681] 1516383737.459195: Storing MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/***@X-CACHECONF: in FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
pkinit_client_plugin_fini: got plgctx at 0x7fdaf2c959c0
pkinit_fini_plg_crypto: freeing context at 0x7fdaf2d4e0e0
[20681] 1516383737.459199: Getting credentials ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459200: Retrieving ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_0)
[20681] 1516383737.459201: Getting credentials MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
[20681] 1516383737.459202: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459203: Get cred via TGT krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> after requesting MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> (canonicalize on)
[20681] 1516383737.459204: Generated subkey for TGS request: aes256-cts/425D
[20681] 1516383737.459205: etypes requested in TGS request: aes256-cts, aes128-cts, aes256-sha2, aes128-sha2, des3-cbc-sha1, rc4-hmac, camellia128-cts, camellia256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459207: Encoding request body and padata into FAST request
[20681] 1516383737.459208: Sending request (2129 bytes) to DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459209: Resolving hostname USERDC.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ
[20681] 1516383737.459210: Initiating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459211: Sending TCP request to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459212: Received answer (1810 bytes) from stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459213: Terminating TCP connection to stream 999.999.999.999:88<>
[20681] 1516383737.459214: Sending DNS URI query for _kerberos.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459215: No URI records found
[20681] 1516383737.459216: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._udp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459217: Sending DNS SRV query for _kerberos-master._tcp.DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ.
[20681] 1516383737.459218: No SRV records found
[20681] 1516383737.459219: Response was not from master KDC
[20681] 1516383737.459220: Decoding FAST response
[20681] 1516383737.459221: FAST reply key: aes256-cts/8208
[20681] 1516383737.459222: TGS reply is for ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> with session key aes256-cts/4152
[20681] 1516383737.459223: Got cred; 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459224: Resolving unique ccache of type MEMORY
[20681] 1516383737.459225: Initializing MEMORY:1Et9YKF with default princ ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
[20681] 1516383737.459230: Getting credentials ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> using ccache MEMORY:1Et9YKF
[20681] 1516383737.459231: Retrieving ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from MEMORY:1Et9YKF with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459233: Creating authenticator for ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>, seqnum 81267597, subkey aes256-cts/0CB9, session key aes256-cts/4152
[20681] 1516383737.459238: Retrieving MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> from FILE:/var/opt/mssql/secrets/mssql.keytab (vno 8, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
[20681] 1516383737.459239: Decrypted AP-REQ with specified server principal MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>: aes256-cts/BA29
[20681] 1516383737.459240: AP-REQ ticket: ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL> -> MACHINE$@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:RDORRLINUXB$@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>, session key aes256-cts/4152
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
[20681] 1516383737.459241: Negotiated enctype based on authenticator: aes256-cts
[20681] 1516383737.459242: Authenticator contains subkey: aes256-cts/0CB9
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
[20681] 1516383737.459245: Destroying ccache MEMORY:1Et9YKF
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
init module "mspac", ad_type 128, flags 00000002
init module "constrained-delegation", ad_type 512, flags 00000008
init module "authentication-indicators", ad_type 97, flags 00000020
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/19/2018 11:42:17 01/19/2018 21:42:17 krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
renew until 01/20/2018 11:42:17
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: ***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
Valid starting Expires Service principal
01/19/2018 11:45:49 01/19/2018 21:45:49 krbtgt/***@DOMAIN.XYZ.XYZ<mailto:krbtgt/***@LEWISVILLE.LOCAL>
renew until 01/20/2018 11:45:45
Bob Dorr - ***<mailto:***>
Principal Software Engineer SQL Server
Manager: ***<mailto:***> or ***<mailto:***>
Thank you,
Dmitri Pal
Engineering Director, Identity Management and Platform Security
Red Hat, Inc.
krbdev mailing list ***
Thank you,
Dmitri Pal
Engineering Director, Identity Management and Platform Security
Red Hat, Inc.
krbdev mailing list ***